Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

December 31, 2009


Recently, we have been in touch with some families currently struggling through the NICU experience with their babies. The NICU can be a scary and overwhelming place, especially for those who are unfamiliar with hospitals or medical 'jargon'. There is a full range of emotions traveling through your mind; scared, worried, sad, happy, frightened, excited, confused and while dealing with those emotions you are focusing on your baby; trying to hold it together in your personal life, work and family. In summary; it's exhausting.

Shortly into our NICU stay, a friend sent us a quote that brought much peace and hope into our hearts;

Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley:
“It isn’t as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don’t worry- I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. If you do your best, it will all work out. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers.”

This quote hangs in several places throughout our home- we still live by it's wisdom and counsel.

This is what we try to bring to these families; hope and faith. There are no easy answers and sometimes, there isn't an answer to your "why's". We have been so blessed and want to spread that hope and blessing to others experiencing similar trials- it's the least we can do.

December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

A lovely, relaxing Christmas Day........

Opening Presents.....
Unwrapping Stocking Stuffers.......
Watching the Christmas Classics: 'A Christmas Story' and 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'.....

Playing Games ........
Taking a nap.....
Chillin' as a Family.......

Cute "little santa"......

Ayla keeping us entertained!!
and of course- ALL THE YUMMY FOOD!!!!!
It was a beautiful Christmas Day!

December 24, 2009

Sweet Girl

Merry Christmas Zoey Munkin!

A Christmas wreath for festive color......

...and ornaments to remember gifts from the shepherds...... celebrate the glory of Christ's birth and to spread 'Peace on Earth'
We miss you sweet girl!

December 22, 2009

Christmas Angels

A short (true) story:

Once upon a time there was a young lady who was always in a, zip, zipping around town on work and personal errands. Her days were full but her heart was open. One wintry day while waiting in line at the grocery store she unknowingly met a Christmas Angel. This angel was not dressed in white nor heralding trumpets of glad tidings. He was older, dressed modestly and possessed kind, compassionate eyes. She smiled at the older gentleman and he in turn, nodded.
Inside her shopping basket was a package of diapers for their new little baby.

The store was busy- it was a few days before Christmas and people were purchasing last minute gifts and supplies for the upcoming celebrations. The customer ahead of the woman had a cart overflowing with presents, gifts and food- the checker was slow and conversation flowed. No worries, no hurries. The young woman waited patiently, thinking about her day and the unfinished projects awaiting her return.

Suddenly, a light touch interrupted her thoughts and she turned to see the older gentleman. He smiled and inquired,
"Do you have a young baby at home?"

"Yes, and she is 10 months old."

The gentleman's eyes twinkled and in a kind voice he asked, "Might I purchase those diapers for you then?"

The young woman stood still, surprised and humbled by the request. After a moments pause she inquired into the man's name. The Christmas Angel's name was Greg.

"Thank you so much Greg, for your offer of kindness." She touched his weathered hand as her eyes filled with ears, "I would love to accept your offer but know there are others in more need of such a gesture than I."

It wasn't that the woman didn't want to accept the gift, she did! It was that her life was so richly blessed that accepting an offer of such kindness felt......odd. In truth, there were many less fortunate who needed this Angel's offer more so than she.

Greg smiled and squeezed her hand, "You are a kind lady."

She blinked tears as the Angel walked away to light the way; the true meaning of 'Christ'mas.

~The End~

Bethlehem's Manager

If only for a moment, imagine yourself there. If you were the Shepherd boy, what tidings could you bear? A weathered staff or prized lamb....perhaps a heart humbled with love?

If only for a moment, to bask within the angels chorus of rejoicing love.

To touch the blessed child and speak reverence for his name. How to repay the great sacrifice this child would one day, claim?

To be one so unworthy of such a sacrifice! What could one like me, have to offer this great king?

Earthly possessions mean naught to a Heavenly King, service and kindness to men are part of the key.

If only for a moment, this earthly life might pause so we may glimpse of heaven and eternal life to come.

Might then we feel more worthy, inspired to become the Kings and Queens we are? Blessed be the name of Christ, and Christmas joy for all.

December 12, 2009


We have snow....just a tiny bit but regardless, it's still SNOW!!! Totally loving it and the best part is that it's sticking! Snow doesn't usually last long in the Boise Valley (except in the mountains) but it's been cold enough recently that it has. Feels more like "Christmas" with a bit of white, beautiful snow on ground....

Ryan is awesome; he was up early scraping driveways and taking care of our neighbors. I truly have never met another person who loves to serve and is as thoughtful as Ryan- I am blessed! How did I get so lucky?? He takes tender care of Ayla, can fix anything, loves to serve, is always happy, cooks breakfast (and lunch & dinner-ha!) and makes the best pies and cookies......AND puts up with me through it all! I am grateful to be married to him and love him more and more with each year!

Isn't he handsome?

Snow at my house- crank up the Christmas music!

December 11, 2009

Evening of Memories

Thursday night Ryan and I attended a special program hosted every year by St. Luke's called an 'Evening of Memories'.
It's a service of remembrance for the loved ones we have lost in our lives. It was touching and emotional and (silly me!) I forgot the tissues in haste to get out the door! There were beautiful musical selections, moments of silence and encouraging words spoken by those who have lost close family members both recent and in years past.

During the program there was a part titled the "Blessing of the Candles" in which various St. Luke staff members lit a candle and spoke of the significance of each. There were 4 candles lighted, each one representing something different;

1) Grief- the pain of losing is intense and reminds us of the depth of our love
2) Courage- to confront our sorrows, to change our lives
3) Light- to remember all the memories given
4) Light- to offer our love and thanks for the gift of life

One of the talks focused on the "Grievers Bill of Rights for the Holidays" and that we have the right to feel different and sometimes, be a little 'bah humbug' if we want.....

A point that struck personally was that grief has no timeline; just because it was months or years ago that a loved one passed, doesn't necessarily make it any less painful or that we can't feel emotional at anytime.

It gave Ryan and I pause to consider that neither of us have really had the time to properly grieve for Zoey. Although she was here for a short time, we loved her instantly and deeply. Our time has been focused on Ayla and seeing her through the NICU, helping her at home and focusing on her growth and development- she is a busy girl and keeps us on the go! That being said; when will we have the time to grieve? Perhaps we already are in our own ways.....perhaps like candle #2, we are yet lacking the courage to properly face our sorrows. And yet....

We are incredibly blessed and know that the hand of God has been guiding our lives and answering prayers; so why should there be sorrow? We know that Zoey is perfect, beautiful and with God doing His work- there is no sorrow in that knowledge. There is light and happiness and peace that she is a perfect angel saved from the hassle and challenge of this earthly life.

How comforting and exciting to know that we may be with her again! How great to know that she is with us in spirit, encouraging Ayla and playing beautiful angel music for us to hear.

December 1, 2009

I LOVE Christmas

I absolutely love Christmas and everything about it...... The lights, the excitement, the giddiness, the giving, the food, the candy, the Christmas Spirit but most importantly, I LOVE the specific focus on the birth of Christ.

I am a spiritually sensitive person and wear emotions on my sleeve when it comes to the spiritual side of life; more so since the passing of Zoey and the many miracles of Ayla. It's far easier now to become 'leaky eyed' than it was prior! There are even certain commercials that can bring a tear to my eye (ridiculous, I know!).

However, I was reminded that the true Christmas Spirit is never found in a surfeit of things. It is less obvious in arrival and more lasting in impact. We have been humbled time and again with acts of service and words of kindness from family, friends, neighbors and even strangers. It wasn't Christmas when these acts of service were given and kind words spoken- yet it was still done with the Spirit of Christmas.
I found this poem by a unknown author and it touched a chord:

I am the Christmas Spirit. I enter the home of poverty, causing pale-faced children to open their eyes wide in pleased wonder.

I cause the miser’s clutched hand to relax and thus paint a bright spot on his soul. I cause the aged to renew their youth and to laugh in the glad old way.

I keep romance alive in the heart of childhood and brighten sleep with dreams woven of magic. I cause eager feet to climb dark stairways with filled baskets, leaving behind them hearts amazed at the goodness of the world.

I cause the prodigal to pause a moment on his wild, wasteful way, and send to anxious love some little token that releases glad tears—tears which wash away the hard lines of sorrow.

I enter dark prison cells, reminding scarred manhood of what might have been, and pointing forward to good days yet to come.

I come softly into the still, white home of pain; and lips that are too weak to speak just tremble in silent, eloquent gratitude.

In a thousand ways I cause the weary world to look up into the face of God, and for a little moment forget the things that are small and wretched.

I am the Christmas Spirit.

This is the spirit each true Christian seeks. This is the spirit I pray that I may find. This is the Christ spirit. No quest is so universal, no undertaking so richly rewarding, no effort so ennobling, no purpose so divine. The Christmas season seems to prompt anew that yearning within me, that seeking to emulate the Savior of the world. I want to have the Christmas spirit, not for one fleeting day each year, but as a companion always. I want to learn to forget myself and turn my thoughts to the greater benefit of others......
So I figure if I 'want' things, these are the things that should be of focus. This post may be a bit deep but I've been craving a small taste of the true 'Spirit of Christmas' this season. There have been numerous miracles in our lives this year and we are feeling humbled and blessed.