Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

January 5, 2014

Belated Blogging

I think about blogging as it's really an online journal for our family but over the past 2 years...I've been a bit slower at it than unusual. Mainly because Ryan and I are just boring- without Ayla keeping us busy and full of adventures we'd rarely have much to contribute other than, "Yep, worked another day, came home, did some church stuff, played with Ayla and went to bed." Pretty much sums it up lately. 

As the year 2013 drew to a close, began pondering those things that I would like to change for this new year so that I'm enjoying life more fully instead of getting stuck in the same old routine. Day after day, living for the weekend when there's a day or two off to clean the house and attempt to catch-up on the dozens of other errands that didn't get accomplished during the week.  

Do you ever feel like this? 

This year I am resolved to set and meet some expectations and resolutions. I believe this can be accomplished. 
Here we go (drum roll please):  
  1. I will try to drive closer to the speed limit.
  2. Eat more nice things like candy, popcorn and ice cream. Eat more fresh fruit, vegetables and soy nuts as that cancels out the candy.
  3. I resolve not to swim in any swimming pool without water.
  4. I resolve to stop poisoning my family with my cooking  (maybe learn to cook?)
  5. To be more positive and less I won't screw that up right away...
  6. Use more Sunscreen
  7. Save for the future instead of that cool pair of boots/sandals/ flats/whatever (bah-boring!)
  8. I resolve to tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not  encourage them to take up more of my time.
  9. I will drive by a fitness center at least once a week.
  10. I will work harder to find time to sleep more.
  11. I will stop blaming the dryer and washer for my clothes not fitting.

 What else do we have if not humor?