Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

February 21, 2011

For the Love of Food

Be not ashamed.
So I admit it....I enjoy food. We have a love/hate relationship. I love to eat.... hate that it ends up as padding in all the wrong areas. Being a wholesale food broker has its definite advantages: I get to eat, talk about and prep food. Ironically- I am "kitchen challenged" although that hasn't seemed to hamper. Just don't ask me to 'cook' from scratch and nothing bad will happen to anyone's stomach. But heat-n-serve I can handle!

My favorite: Thai (the good kind) and best soup- Tom Kar Gai, a spicy coconut soup with chicken, galangal, mushrooms, green onions and kaffir leaf. Sounds delicious, right? It IS!
 Tom Gar Kai....mmmm....mmmmm.....
Ryan tolerating my craving for coconut soup. He's such an awesome hubby to take me exactly where the good stuff is... 

1 comment:

Jodi and Skott said...

Ooooh I want some of that yummy soup!