Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

November 10, 2013

Long Overdue Update

Looking at the last blog post from!
I have been neglecting to post about us because well, Ayla has kinda taken over the "us" these complaints but I feel boring and dull compared to her crazy and ever-changing schedule. 

However, a few weeks ago I managed to make a quick getaway to California and visit my sister Amy for a few days. It was a much needed break and perfectly timed- my birthday weekend! So great to be turning 31 again..... ;-)

Ryan was awesome enough to spend some solo 'daddy-daughter' time with Ayla while I was away and sacrifice sleep (he still works nights).  

 Once in CA, I woke up to the morning greeted by a delicious homemade chocolate cake, CD and personalized mug. 
 Amy and Tim totally spoiled me while I was visiting and I ate and ate and ate....with no regrets! 

 We spent most of our time wandering the sidewalks of Pasadena, eating, and lounging at home in our pajamas catching-up (also more eating). It was truly lovely to wake up when I was finished and not to an alarm clock or dagger-ended Ayla heel digging into my back. 

Amy and Tim are excellent hosts and I was sad to leave the warm weather and head back home, although I did miss my sweet girl and Ryan and eager to see them!

As for what we are doing: still the same.
Ryan works during the nights and I work days so our schedules remain opposite: Ryan arrives home around 7am and I'm headed out the door at 7am....a quick "hello!" and "goodbye"! until I'm back home around 6pm. We get a few hours together then it's off to bed and work and the same verse repeats. The best part is that Ryan has Friday and Saturday nights off so we can at least see a bit of each other on the weekends. :-) 
Our church callings and responsibilities have recently changed so Sunday's and during the weekday requires a bit of juggling and compromise. It's never a dull moment for sure and at times, there is not a free evening to spare! Sometimes when it feels like we're being pulled in too many directions, it's necessary to sit back and remember what our real purpose on earth is....which can be easier said than done but it's perspective all the same.   

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