Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

February 19, 2012


Sometimes it's all about "timing" and though not ideally the best time to switch gears into new careers, there's always the adventure side to it!
*and we're always up for an adventure*

There are three impactful changes which have taken place since mid-January:

1. Ayla enrolled into a 4-day a week Therapy Program (totally awesome)
2. Ryan began his new career in the Law Enforcement field on February 12th  (so happy he's pursuing his career interest)
3. I begin a new career in the non-foods industry February 21st (a much needed change)

I asked myself, "Are we crazy?"
Yeah probably, but it'll keep us creatively thinking and finding solutions to Ayla's schedule. 

On another note:
I like (using the term very loosely) being the teacher in Sunday school for Gospel and Doctrine Class. Not the "teaching" part (I'm such a shy, private person in real life) but the lessons and principals taught are totally meant for me. It's true.
I taught such a lesson today and there was a specific principal which literally jumped out from the page and slapped me in the face during the lesson. It was an eye-opener, ah-ha! moment and I'm excited to apply this principal into practice. If I weren't the teacher I would have missed this awesome opportunity to learn and grow spiritually in a manner much needed.  

Another testiment to me that God really does have perfect timing- even if in our own puny mortal mind, we think we know best.   

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I enjoy looking at your blog. I don't comment a lot, but I wanted to say I hope that all goes well for you and your family in this new direction. I can imagine one career change as being a big deal, but both of you at the same time! Whew! I wish you the best!!!