Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

March 2, 2010

How to deny Reality.....

I saw a sign that read, "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

It brought a smile as I thought about it on the drive from work. It reminded me of how at times, I felt like falling asleep at my computer some days.....just lay my head down and zzzzzzz.... because reality can be cranky and a bit of escapism from time to time is necessary. Ahhhhh Calgon, take me away! Oh, and since I've had kids I can fall asleep almost instantly- weird!

Not that I would rather stick my head in the dirt but occasionally, wouldn't it be fun? I enjoy life too much to live in complete denial.

Just food for's been a long day.....and I couldn't think of anything exciting to blog about. Maybe next time!

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