Me- when I was itty-bitty and cute! 

Do you see the resemblance?

After Ayla & Zoey were born, blogging became a communication avenue to keep family and friends updated on their progress. It became a norm. Eventually, this blog morphed into a semi-online journal for our family and in a strange twisted way, a little bit like cheap therapy on occasion...... and you're reading it so don't say I didn't warn you! haa haa ha
My point? Today I heard it again: "Heidi, you are a hard person to get to know." This from a co-worker whom had been with the company for over a year. A year and they don't know me? That kinda made me sad.....I truly am not a snob- really!
By default, I am a private person (a little on the shy side) and because of that, people have a hard time getting close to me. Plus I like to listen- you can learn A LOT from being quiet and just listening. Yet I've heard on more than one occasion that I am 'difficult person to get to know'......what is so weird about that? Emotions are scary and it's much easier to eat chocolate than deal with fickle emotions, right? Not according to my chirocracker. He says I internalize stress which is making my neck issues worse on top of having a twisted pelvis. He laughed when I told him, "So fix it. I get an adjustment and move on, right?" No, I am not stubborn- wherever would that idea come from??
Anyway, for those of you who wonder how to get past my outward spiny exterior....just smile. That was easy...whew! 'Nuff said.
That's so funny! On the other hand, I always get the "I thought you were stuck up" comment.... Geez! We are fun sisters! Just give us a chance :)
I think you are awesome!!
And can't wait to be closer to family!!
And YES...I totally see a resemblance! That Ayla does have some 'mommy' in her...not ALL STEPHENSON!
You're too funny Heidi! I've never thought of you as stuck up or a snob----just a private person like a lot of us are. Listening is a talent in itself and I think you're an awesome listener and person. Little Ayla is so adorable and I love her spunky personality that comes across in her pictures.
I LOVE YOU HEIDI!!!! The boys both said Ayla looks just like you. Landen says to tell Ayla "HI"
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