Ryan is very talented- he has an amazing ability to think and picture in 3-D....he can fix just about anything and builds beautiful wooden pieces. If any of you have seen our entertainment stand then you know what I mean!
This is his latest creation; a custom Jewelry Cabinet for yours truly!

Front View (pardon the crooked shot)

Side View with doors closed. I had requested doors so that my stuff doesn't get soooo dusty (and so little Ayla couldn't access the goods when she's old enough to figure out how to open stuff)...

Side view with doors open....
Front view. There are 3 rows of pegs and hooks along the doors for my bracelets. Plenty of room to grow! haa haa
I LOVE it!
...and yes, I do realize that I have a lot of necklaces...can't help it...I go through phases....and I wear all of them, I swear!!
How cool!!! Ryan is quite the handyman!
And you don't have to justify your jewlery to anyone!! :)
Beautiful!!! Way to go Ryan.
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