Today is a special day- a day we will always remember. The weather is about the same as it was a year ago- bleak, looks like rain/snow, kinda cold....we miss you. We placed pretty purple flowers on your site in honor.
A year has past already- seems long ago yet only yesterday. It's difficult when we think of Ayla growing up without her little sister (although you were the biggest!) but we know you are with Ayla in spirit, helping her along the way. Thank you. You are perfect in every way; our beautiful little angel. Save a spot for us up there, okay? Oh, and put in a good word or two please...... we've heard about those wonderful mansions in Heaven!
We're happy that you do not have to experience this earthly life and it's challenges and diversities. You were needed elsewhere; we know you are busy on the other side preparing the earth. It is sad that you are not here but we know we'll see you again..... and when we do, it will be awesome... a fabulous party!
In honor of your passing we try to do something nice on the 8th, a Random Act of Kindness. That was your aunt Jodi's idea- she's cool like that. Not just on the 8th but throughout the days too. Little things that make a difference and bring a smile to somebody else. We know you would have liked that. We love and miss you Zoey-munkin!
We found a poem for you sweet girl;
~Mention my Child~
by Elizabeth Dent
Go ahead and mention my child
the one who died you know.
Don't worry about hurting me further,
the depth of my pain doesn't show.
Don't worry about making me cry.
I'm already crying inside.
Help me to heal by releasing the tears
that I try to hide.
I'm hurt when you just keep silent,
pretending she didn't exist.
I'd rather you mention my child,
knowing that she has been missed.
You ask me how I am doing,
I say "pretty good" or "fine".
But healing is something ongoing.
I feel it will take a lifetime.
Beautiful Zoey- we brought you a lovely purple flower and butterfly balloon....

I'll never forget the perfect and beautiful little angel that you get to call your own. She touched my heart and my life forever.
Thank you for this post. It has only been 4 month (Mar 16th) that my brother Greg passed away and for some reason I have been thinking and worrying of what it will be like after a year has passed. It seems silly I am sure, but the deep sadness that I feel inside I actually want it to stay. I am happy he is where he is and no longer has to experience the trials he had here on this earth, but the sadness that reminds me of how much I love him and he loves me, the sadness that I feel when I don't have him to call me and tell me how wonderful I am when I do silly things etc...that sadness I want to be here until I go to the other side to see him again. Anyhow...sorry I went off on a tangent. I am so happy that you share your lives with us. You, Ryan and Ayla are so strong and such examples to all of the rest of us. Zoey's headstone is soooo beautiful!! What a great memorial you guys left for her, and for Ayla to grow up being able to go to that memorial and visit with his sister.
beautiful post sis.
love you guys!
Thought of you all day yesterday. Did a little service in your Zoey's behalf.
Sweet little Zoey! We miss you!
Heidi, you have such a great way with words!
Thanks for letting us be apart of her life a year ago! Love you guys!
Thank you for you post. Today I have been thinking alot about my little brother who passed away 20 years ago today. Your words brought me comfort. We should never forget the ones that went before their time. What a great tribute.
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