This has been on our minds: How can we give back? What can we do to help families experiencing the roller-coaster ride of the NICU? How can we bring parents hope?
When we were in the hospital with Ayla & Zoey it was scary, overwhelming, sad, happy..... we went through varying array of emotions; up, down, up, a jump rope! It would have been comforting to have been able to talk to other parents who had been through the same or similar situation, to know we weren't alone. Because, well.....we didn't know a lot of things- it was like walking into a totally different world. Kinda like having a micro-preemie- we had no idea babies came so incredibly small and the many unique challenges they would face. I recall thinking: "Our babies are a micro-what??"
So during our stay we (mostly Ryan because he's super friendly) began to reach out to other parents inside the NICU and we made several great friends along the way. Then we learned of the St. Luke's Family Advisory Council and got excited.

The FAC is made up of parents who have been there, all with a different experience. We visit the NICU and talk to parents, answer their questions, offer insight, be a shoulder to cry on and share experiences. Ryan and I have been "unofficial" parent mentors a few times but now we'll have an actual 'badge' and a cool t-shirt.....whoo-hoo! We are excited to be able to give back and help anyway we can!
This Council is also a great tool for the doctors, nursing staff and hospital administrators- they learn what it's like from a parent's point of view. Our ideas and suggestions are valued and where applicable, changes are made.
Ryan likes to boast that the reason the mothers pumping rooms inside the NICU now have a double-sink is because he filled out a comment card suggesting so and it was sent to the FAC meeting and implemented. Ta-da! Double sinks were installed shorty thereafter. It's ideas and suggestions such as those (from parents) that St. Luke's values.
After all, who knows better how to make a place more comfy than a parent?

We believe Miss Zoey would approve, no?
What an awesome way to give back!
Having babies in the NICU is like living in a different world all of its own. When the twins were at PMC, I hated leaving because I felt like it wasn't right that everyone else got to live a normal life and nobody understood what it was like to have sick babies who couldn't leave the hospital. I think it's great that you are a part of this to help others going through such an emotional time, living through the rollercoaster ride of the NICU world!
That is AWESOME Heidi!!
And Yes, I think Zoey would approve! (and Ayla too!)
Having someone to talk to that knows what you are going through would be a huge comfort!! You and Ryan could be such a strength to other families living in the NICU!
Hey...we found out the Hemophilia Treatment Center is at St. Luke's! (hopefully we won't be needing it...but just knowing it's there is a comfort!)
I'm sure Ms. Zoey is beaming with pride on how amazing her parents how, and what they do to "PAY IT FORWARD" from their own personal tragedy. You guys are amazing!
Love you!
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