I sometimes wonder at God's sense of humor.....
Obviously, God is in charge and knows what is best for us...and although I never question God, I DO have some questions for Him!
Ryan has been serving in the Bishopric for a little over two years and prior to that served as the Elder's Quorum President for several years- he is a man of great faith who loves to serve and knowledgeable in the gospel. Most of his church callings have been those of careful leadership positions and I look to him to keep me on the "straight & narrow" so to speak- I have a tendency to be one of the 'wayward' sheep at times.....okay, most of time.
On the other hand, I too, have served in various callings throughout the years but none that intimidates me as much as this new calling of which I have been asked: Gospel Doctrine Teacher. For those of you who know what that calling means- yeah, F-U-N-N-Y! Not the 'ha ha' funny but the "you're really serious??" funny. Can you refuse a calling? Yes, but one shouldn't (though I was sorely tempted!).
This scares me on various levels because the Gospel & Doctrine teachers 1) Are knowledgeable in the gospel and
2) Great Teachers...two qualities which do not come easily or naturally to an introvert such as myself. People may not believe it, but I am shy! Plus, one needs to be articulate and know big words.....hey, I'm from Idaho and attended a teensy high school where they don't teach "big words".
Talking to large crowds brings me hives and cause to forget trains of thought- not to mention I don't have a loud speaking voice. Me teaching?? Oh, the horror!
Seriously, when it comes to knowledge of the Gospel I know/feel enough to have a testimony but when it boils to actual "facts and stories"..... not so good in that department.
I will study the lessons and pray hard for inspiration and have faith that God will do the rest. And a little help from Zoey would be great too! Come on Zoey, you know your mom needs all the help she can get down here!!
Oh Heidi- you'll do awesome! You never give yourself enough credit. Love ya.
Trina :)
CONGRATS! Just remember this...the Lord QUALIFIES the called. He will help you and qualify you. He gives us these things to help us get stronger. Baptism by fire, right? You will be AWESOME!
Good luck!!
Gosh...that would terrify me too!!
But you are amazing...and you will rock this!
I agree with Linds!
Heidi, I really think you would actually be quite a good gospel doctrine teacher. Some of the most refreshing are those who feel like they don't know enough and feel inadequate. It is through these humble types that the Spirit can truly work its magic. Wish I could be there to see you teach. It's been too long since we've seen each other, friend!
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