"The Master's Plan" has been on my mind, a lot. God is good; He has a plan for our lives and wouldn't it be nice to at least have an outline? Or an idea of what our specific accomplishments are suppose to be?
For an unknown reason I have been frequently drawn towards reflecting on my life and noting the many miracles which have occurred (those of which I can recall and am aware of). Many of which I haven't thought of in years! Why this has been nagging at the fringes of my mind I am unsure.....perhaps it's prompted by this last year's life-changing events and the upcoming celebration of Ayla's birthday. Perhaps it's the Lord's way of reminding me that I need to rely on Him more and express increased gratitude. Maybe it could be (eeek!) I am finally starting to mature and become adult-like?? No....maybe.....it just might be!
I find myself mentally picturing the short timeline of my life and every so often I see a blip in the line, a dip or a twinkle; Miracles, Divine Intervention, Inspiration, Protection. But there is a specific incident which resonates the strongest and insists on keeping itself at the forefront. Most people outside of our family don't know about this experience, it's not talked about because it happened so long ago. And honestly, I haven't thought about it in a long time but it's recently been on my mind, often. Why? Not sure.....It happened when I was 11 years old; the ripe old age of eleven- that awkward, weird stage in life.
I was involved in a serious car accident which took the life of my great-grandmother and injured my grandmother and myself. We were broadsided on the passenger side by a semi; guess who won? Yep, the semi truck.....
The paramedics arriving on scene assumed the worst, I was in very bad condition pinned underneath the bumper of the semi inside the car, bleeding from the head, ears, mouth, arms, ect. In short; they had to cut me out of the car (it was that mangled) and life flighted to the nearest trauma hospital. It was messy. Upon initial assessment, my parents were informed that I would never walk, my legs were crushed, my brain injured, ribs & neck broken and massive internal injuries. The right side of my head has been peeled back (how's that for a visual?) exposing the skull.
Because the accident happened several hours away from my hometown, my aunt and uncle were first to the hospital and grabbed two missionaries to administer a blessing while I was in the ER.
I have vivid memories but will spare the gory details. :-) Here's the miracle; I only spent 4 days in the hospital and came away with NO SERIOUS INJURIES....fractured ribs and neck, sprained wrist and ankles, lots of bruises and cuts, hundreds of stitches and minimal brain damage. In reality, there is no reason I should have walked away from that accident with my brain and body intact. But I did by the grace of God because He has a Master Plan for me (little 'ol me). Which I'm still trying to figure out.....and for those of you wondering what is wrong with my memory- I have a VALID excuse! haa haa Don't misunderstand, my body does suffer residual consequences (which manifest more as I age) but I am blessed, I am healthy, I am positive. My grandmother and I were protected by angels.
I have vivid memories but will spare the gory details. :-) Here's the miracle; I only spent 4 days in the hospital and came away with NO SERIOUS INJURIES....fractured ribs and neck, sprained wrist and ankles, lots of bruises and cuts, hundreds of stitches and minimal brain damage. In reality, there is no reason I should have walked away from that accident with my brain and body intact. But I did by the grace of God because He has a Master Plan for me (little 'ol me). Which I'm still trying to figure out.....and for those of you wondering what is wrong with my memory- I have a VALID excuse! haa haa Don't misunderstand, my body does suffer residual consequences (which manifest more as I age) but I am blessed, I am healthy, I am positive. My grandmother and I were protected by angels.

I also received that cool 80's style 'Cyndi Lauper' hairdo with the one side of the head shaved; oh yeah- I was totally on-the-trend-hip!
All of this leads me back to last year 2009 and especially this current month. Much has changed for us within the last year. Ayla and Zoey...sweet miracles and another "Miracle Milestone" amongst the many in my life. What is God's plan for Ayla on this earth? Obviously a big one because she is here and thriving. We have the responsibility to raise her in harmony with her Master Plan....whatever that may be.
Zoey didn't need to gut it out here on earth to fulfil her Master Plan, she is fulfilling that on the other side...lucky girl! Yet she is also helping us, making sure we stay on track. Thank you Zoey! It is quite the motivator- we want to live our life in accordance so that we may be able to to return to see Zoey....someday.
I think perhaps part of my specific Master Plan was to bring Ayla & Zoey here, and maybe that is why I have been spared many times over....as before, wouldn't it be nice to have an outline?
I've heard about that accident many times, but never realized that you were injured so severely. The Master's master plan is a big web of events that can only be partially understood while looking at in a rearview mirror. It takes years to see things in retrospect in order to begin to understand how the pieces were put together in such a certain way. Josh often wonders why he survived his major accident, too. God had great things in store for you Heidi, and Ayla's mission on earth is full of giant potential!
WOW… is all I can say. You sure made me think. I remember the accident you were safe for something grand. Thank you for sharing and God be with you and your cute little family. Love you and miss you.
You know--Our family has had some pretty major things happen to us. It sometimes scares me to think of these and how we have come through virtually unscathed. Then I turn my thoughts to the blessings we have received because of these experiences and remember to thank our Heavenly Father for all we have. Aren't we lucky???
I have never met you and I am heartbroken for your loss and inspired by your journey. I am Blazes Mom (your a follower of our blog.. sisters with angels) and from one Mom to another I am sorry for you loss and am so grateful for your little Ayla she is beautiful! Thank you for sharing such personal experiences and the journey with your angels. Heaven Bless You! It gives me courage to continue on when I know there are other valient families fighting the same battles so Thank You!
our blog is rayandjanet.blogspot.com
Wow Heidi!! What a tough 11 year old girl you were!!! Isn't it amazing the strength we can have at such a young, fraile age with the Lord's help. This post was just one more thing reminding me that with my brother's accident that it was his time. That his work here on earth was done and that our Father in Heaven was calling him home. I am sure that our Father in Heaven is sooooo proud of both you and Ryan and the people you have become as well as the parents you are. You are wonderful people!! Jake and I look up to both of you!! You are both wonderful people and we are soooo happy that we had the opportunity to get to know you. Ayla is blessed to have such wonderful parents to raise and help guide her through life. Thanks for being you and sharing your life with us!!!
I had no idea you were in such a terrible accident!
I really admire you and your determination and faith! Your girls have touched so many lives...it is true Heavenly Father has big things in store for that little Ayla!
I get reminders on my phone of upcoming birthdays, and got one for "Zoey and Ayla's Birthday" next week! I know little Zoey is up there rooting y'all on!!
Wow Heidi, I had no idea you were involved in such a terrible accident. it is amazing that you walked away from that.
Life is only lived forward, but life is only understood when we look backward...
It's easy to understand life when we look back on it, but it's hard to live life and go through the hardships when we don't understand why.
Love you!
Heidi-I remember when you were in your accident--I was in Wisconsin and when I heard about it I wished so bad I could be in Moore to tell your family and Jodi that I was there for them. Instead I remember taking a few minutes-going to our tent and saying a special prayer to watch over your family and to help you and your grandmother recover from your injuries. When Sweet Zoey returned to Heaven-I knew you were strong enough to understand Gods plan b/c you had overcome so many trials in your past. You are amazing Heidi and I look up to you more than you will ever know. You're such an inspiration----
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