Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

November 3, 2010

Ryan's Scary Toes!

Uncle Ryan has some pretty awesome toenails- courtesy of Taitlyn!

She painted so carefully and made sure to go over each nail several times in order to reach the desired color scheme.....
 Do we have a future nail tech/Cosmetologist in the works? Perhaps even a podiatrist??  
 The finished Product!
Thank you Taitlyn- they are gorgeous!
Uncle Ryan- you are the best to sit still and quiet...
Love this picture of Ayla and Taitlyn watching baby videos together- so sweet!


Michelle Ogden said...
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Fuller Family said...

Too funny! They look very scary! Maybe that's why I haven't let Taitlyn paint my toes. haha:) Ry is a great sport and a fun Uncle. Thanks for letting them come play.
Love you guys!

P.S. Mishelle Ogden is my friend. She used our computer the other day. Just so ya know. : )