While Ayla has a lot of stuff going on, Ryan and I merely tote along in her great shadow....and happy to be there too!
If it hasn't been mentioned before; Ryan is an awesome guy......and I'm not just saying that because he married me (poor feller-ha!) but he truly has a divine spirit. His positive attitude, willingness to serve and thoughtful nature is an impressive example. I'm always humbled at his spiritual abilities and a bit envious too; I struggle! He is also the best dad- period - to Ayla and Zoey. Ayla and I are two lucky ladies to have Ryan in our lives!
Ryan has an exciting new church calling- he has been released as First Counselor in the Bishopric and called onto the Stake High Council. His new responsibilities include: advisor to the Meridian First Ward, over the Stake Primary and Stake Baptisms.
We have been teased that the next step is.....what? Bishop? No, no, no way.....that would be crazy! I could totally see Ryan in that calling but me as a 'Bishop's Wife' is comical (suffice it to say, I would not have the patience for it). This new calling of his is just fine. He is actually home more often in the evenings (sweet!) and on Sunday's. It's fun having him home- feels kinda weird but it's great!
I've only had one opportunity to teach the Gospel and Doctrine class and it was scary- super scary. I keep thinking, "Seriously? Me as a Gospel Teacher? F-U-N-N-Y!" And as I was skimming through the upcoming lessons it appears that the lessons I know the least about are the ones I teach! Go figure....God's way of telling me to get my keester in gear and give my spirit a much needed energy boost. The more I read and study the less I know- does that make sense? I didn't know much before but now I really feel uneducated. Though it's strange how I'll be reading and cross-referencing and a principal suddenly comes to life and it's one of those "Aha!" moments. Wow, there truly is order in what seems like choas......hhhmmmm.....blows my tiny mind!
Congratulations to Ryan! And Heidi--You do not give yourself near enough credit! You are amazing and awesome and super spiritual. You wouldn't be entrusted with 2 sweet spirits if you weren't.
Congrats Ryan!!! You will do awesome!!! Heidi...you would be a great Bishop's wife. YOU ARE REAL!! People love that!!
Right on Ryan! That's what ya get for being so awesome!
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