I love people.....I enjoy them......they make me smile.
I especially enjoy talking with open-minded, intelligent people who are smart enough to realize they don't know everything and genuinely interested in having a two-way conversation. Although personally, I am more of a listener than a talker.
Each person is unique with different life experiences, challenges and stories. One of my favorite things to do is to listen to a person with stories- real stories- not embellished tales that the 'know-it-alls' out there seem to have (you know the type of person I'm talking about; the person who knows everything about anything and has done everything there is to do....like that funny character lady off of MAD TV). Those people crack-me-up! They are also interesting to listen too, literally, all you do is listen....
But the people who have real stuff to say, those are the truly fun conversations! I have a friend who works in Law Enforcement and she has some real, fun and at times, scary stories. I could listen to her for hours- she blows my mind! She causes me to think in a different way.
Then there is a friend who works in the medical field and she too, has some very interesting stories and knowledge to impart. She also causes my brain to think along a different path because she is so intelligent! So what's my point? Not really sure except I met a young lady/girl today that put my thoughts along this track of thinking about how different we all are.
This young lady in whom I attempted to have a conversation with (but she was more interested in touting her own opinion of 'self' than listening) was quite interesting. Our one-sided conversation was almost comical. The conversation began in the baby aisle and went like this,
Woman-standing-next-to-me: "How old is your baby?"
Me: "She is a year old almost exactly. How about yours?"
"My baby is a year and 3 months."
"That's great!"
"What is your baby eating?"
Me: "Oh, my baby was born at 25 weeks and doesn't eat yet- we are just getting started, experimenting with textures."
"My baby started eating at 7 months."
"Seven months- that's neat!"
"Yeah, but my sister has twins and they were born 2 months early too, and they are a year old. They don't eat good yet so I am going to teach them how to eat this weekend."
Me: "Actually, my baby was born 4 months early, not 2 and there are many issues with babies born that early. She weighed 1.6 pounds at birth."
"Oh- well my sister's babies just don't eat soft foods so I'm gonna teach them this weekend because my sister just doesn't make them do it."
"Really? Can you really force a baby to eat?"
"Oh yes! I never had any problems making my baby eat when she was 7 months old!"
"Was your baby born at full term?" (still being nice at this point in the conversation).
"That makes a big difference in the development of the child- babies born prematurely can struggle a bit but they will eventually get there."
"Huh- well my sister just hasn't made them eat yet and I think it's time they learn."
Me: "Were your sister's twins born with any issues? Like breathing?"
"No- just born preemie, there's nothing wrong with them except they don't eat good. But I'm gonna fix that."
**at this point it was like talking to a brick wall so I smiled at the nice girl and politely told her,
"Good luck!" and walked away....sometimes, it's best to just walk away....
Seriously, I wasn't aware that one could "force" a baby to eat...if so, could that person please, please come and teach us how to "force" Ayla to eat? Especially in one weekend? Silly, silly people! I love people, I truly do because my days would be b-o-r-i-n-g without all the fun interactions!
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