Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

February 4, 2013

Walk for Babies

I know this is a few months away but we are SO EXCITED to have our own March of Dimes Walking Team for the April 'March for Babies' event in Boise. Our Team is the: AmazingAyla2

Amazing Ayla (because yes, she is) and the '2' because Zoey is not here to celebrate with us but is always in our hearts. 

We've set a lofty goal of raising $1,000 before the big day but have faith that we can make it there....and if not, every penny raised is vitally important. We're happy to share our experiences and story of Ayla and Zoey and of course, flaunt Ayla's cuteness and super feisty-ness. :-)  

Please join our team or help support if you can- you can view our team here or at the address below:

I love these teensy feet and hand prints of Zoey's, such a special reminder of why we are supporting and promoting the March of Dimes Program: nobody should have to lose their child because of prematurity.  

 If you live in the Boise area we'd love to have you join us for the walk on Saturday April 27th at 9am at the Julia Davis Park. Everyone is welcome and we'd love to have a bunch of family and friends with us! 

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