Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

July 20, 2011


I am not a golfer by any stretch of the imagination. Actually, I am considered a liability when it concerns the game of Golf. Serious.
Each year for work we help sponsor a 'Customer Appreciation Golf Tournament' in which customers are invited to spend the day playing a round of golf at one of Boise's finest golf courses.
This year it was hosted at the beautiful Banbury Golf Course.
I was safely placed at hole #15 in charge of a game called "pick-your-card" which corresponded with the type of club the golfer would be playing with for that specific hole.
Golfers (especially those uber-serious ones) despised me...I was  not their favorite person that day.
It was fun!
 Sitting at hole #15 awaiting the next group of victims.....
It was a gorgeous day with a nice shade tree to sit under.

 View for the day.
How cool is that for a "day at work"?
In that small pond/stream there were carp fish going CRAZY! Jumping and flashing (spawning season).
Besides the uber-serious golfers cussing at me for making them tee-off with a pitching wedge or putter (haa haa) it was a relaxing, care-free work day!
 Even manged to snag a teeny, tiny tan...barely. My skin is sun-proof and my body has a lovely tendency to swell under the heat so my feet and toes turned into sausages.

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