We are walking on Saturday 24
th for the March of Dimes- it should be fun! This is the first time we have participated in a March of Dimes walk and are looking forward to it. If you haven't heard; the March of Dimes is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health and supports research- it's a life saving organization.
When we were in Portland for Ayla's eye surgery, we met the March of Dimes President, Dr. Jennifer Howse, who was visiting from New York. She was a neat lady who took time to listen to our story and offer support. The March of Dimes was filming a documentary and came by Ayla's hospital room for a brief interview. Unfortunately, our interview didn't make the cut on the video.....we were almost famous! haa haa

We are grateful for the March of Dimes and their efforts to find solutions to premature babies.
Have fun on your walk! I always did it when I worked at Pickles... got all the "round table regulars" to sponsor me :)
Wish I could walk with ya!
love ya
aaawww...beautiful pic with your girls! And good luck on your March of Dimes walk! Burning Calories + doing a good dead = priceless!!
Love ya!
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