A short (true) story:
Once upon a time there was a young lady who was always in a hurry....zip, zip, zipping around town on work and personal errands. Her days were full but her heart was open. One wintry day while waiting in line at the grocery store she unknowingly met a Christmas Angel. This angel was not dressed in white nor heralding trumpets of glad tidings. He was older, dressed modestly and possessed kind, compassionate eyes. She smiled at the older gentleman and he in turn, nodded.
Inside her shopping basket was a package of diapers for their new little baby.
The store was busy- it was a few days before Christmas and people were purchasing last minute gifts and supplies for the upcoming celebrations. The customer ahead of the woman had a cart overflowing with presents, gifts and food- the checker was slow and conversation flowed. No worries, no hurries. The young woman waited patiently, thinking about her day and the unfinished projects awaiting her return.
Suddenly, a light touch interrupted her thoughts and she turned to see the older gentleman. He smiled and inquired,
"Do you have a young baby at home?"
"Yes, and she is 10 months old."
The gentleman's eyes twinkled and in a kind voice he asked, "Might I purchase those diapers for you then?"
The young woman stood still, surprised and humbled by the request. After a moments pause she inquired into the man's name. The Christmas Angel's name was Greg.
"Thank you so much Greg, for your offer of kindness." She touched his weathered hand as her eyes filled with ears, "I would love to accept your offer but know there are others in more need of such a gesture than I."
It wasn't that the woman didn't want to accept the gift, she did! It was that her life was so richly blessed that accepting an offer of such kindness felt......odd. In truth, there were many less fortunate who needed this Angel's offer more so than she.
Greg smiled and squeezed her hand, "You are a kind lady."
She blinked tears as the Angel walked away to light the way; the true meaning of 'Christ'mas.
~The End~

Bethlehem's Manager
If only for a moment, imagine yourself there. If you were the Shepherd boy, what tidings could you bear? A weathered staff or prized lamb....perhaps a heart humbled with love?
If only for a moment, to bask within the angels chorus of rejoicing love.
To touch the blessed child and speak reverence for his name. How to repay the great sacrifice this child would one day, claim?
To be one so unworthy of such a sacrifice! What could one like me, have to offer this great king?
Earthly possessions mean naught to a Heavenly King, service and kindness to men are part of the key.
If only for a moment, this earthly life might pause so we may glimpse of heaven and eternal life to come.
Might then we feel more worthy, inspired to become the Kings and Queens we are? Blessed be the name of Christ, and Christmas joy for all.