Today celebrates our 12th Year Anniversary!
A perfect day to celebrate as it's also Thanksgiving Day!
The blessings in our lives have far outweighed any challenges we have faced and we have grown only closer and more in love throughout the years. When we were recently married, it was almost impossible to think that we could possibly grow to love each other more- we were so in love as it was! Yet looking back on 12 years ago we have grown much closer with a depth of love which seems only to increase!
God truly has a Plan for our lives and we are grateful to be able to spend it together as an eternal family.
Still crazy in love- we certainly are!!
Wow- look at that young couple!
One thing we have done (or tried to do consistently) to keep our relationship strong is to 'date' each other once a week. Of course, life can throw curve balls but we have continued to strive towards those weekly dates. What better fun can one have than with your best friend!
Oh, those wedding photos brought back memories of the fun times we had together. Congratulations on 12 years!
12 years! Great job. Hope you enjoy many, many more.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We're right behind you...12 years for us in December! AWESOME!!!
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