Sweet feet....
Was thinking today: Ayla has been home for 4 months....really? It's so incredible! I recall sitting with her in the NICU thinking we'd never get out....yet we escaped! She was so small, impossibly so- and now she is big and chubby and freaking adorable! She was always adorable though....
Life has certainly changed for us- and we wouldn't have it any other way. Ayla and Zoey brought a unique perspective into our lives, a glimpse into the eternities and softer hearts. We easily cry with parents of struggling children and have a deeper love for all of God's children. We've been constantly humbled by the kindness of family, neighbors, friends and strangers. It's been a lesson in humility and faith. It's far easier being on the giving rather than receiving end. Through it all, we are constantly amazed with Ayla and healing power of prayer and the Priesthood.
As she grows we notice 'survival wounds' coming to light; scars on her hands and feet from numerous IV's and needle draws, marks on her legs (one in a perfect circle) from the C02 Sensors and oximeters, surgery scars on her sides and stomach from procedures and other scars that bear testament to her toughness. I'd like to kiss them away, rub them off with a gentle touch.....but those scars are part of her. They remind us of her strength and how special she is. As she grows we will teach her about those marks and how proud we are of her- how God carried her through and comforted her. 

We love being with Ayla and she has brought our family closer together. We are grateful she will not remember her time inside the NICU, we are grateful she doesn't know she's different and we don't care. Those who do not know Ayla's story or anything about micro-babies can be quick to judge- and since returning to work I have received many an "advice" from good-meaning people who just don't understand. I get it and I rarely become angry unless confronted with ignorant stupidity...and there has been some! But for the most part, it's been good. I find that I like educating people regarding Ayla- there are so many fascinations!
We know Ayla will become perfect as she continues to grow and develop- she has a special purpose here....she is already perfect....more so than any of us! Now if we could only translate what she's been trying to tell us- I am sure she could blow our minds!