Where is time going? Excuse my thinking-out-loud for a moment; I feel like we've been living in a time-warp for the past 4.5 months...are we seriously halfway through June already? Wow!
Ayla is closer to coming home, our house is almost ready and I'm really not sure if WE are mentally ready...
oh my! I think about bringing little girl home and it scares/excites me, literally. The roller-coaster ride doesn't end when she's home, she won't automatically become "better" once she's sleeping in her own bed nor will she automatically become a "normal" baby (if there is such a thing, really- what's normal anyway?).
Logically, I know everything will work out the way it's suppose to but the practical side of my personality comes to light and has me researching all kinds of stuff- the 'what if' and 'how to' and the 'be prepared'..... kind of like planning for the worst-case scenario and praying for the best. I've been speaking with other mothers of micro-preemie babies and it's dang scary! Some have great attitudes and others......not so much. But I've heard a common theme from ALL of them: "be prepared and go with the flow- it'll be hard and challenging and you'll have terrible days and awesome days." Huh- sounds a lot like life in general!
Occasionally, parent's of preemie babies will come up and offer advice and encouragement (which is appreciated) but the reality is:
Ayla was not a preemie, she was a
micro-preemie and there is a big difference between the two.
Ayla's long-term & short-term health isn't known- it'll be a 'learn-as-we-go' journey with her. A journey which to be honest, is terrifying and exciting. Scary because there are many
unknowns and exciting because she is a miracle!
Talk about being humbled.... Anyway, just sharing some inner thoughts- I have been encouraged by hospital counselors to "open-up" and "express" more...hmmm.....sure they want me to go there? haa haa That's a whole 'nother dimension! But I suppose that's what blogs are for- right?