Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

June 30, 2009

Adventures in Tree Trimmin'

Ryan working on the tree

It's great having Ryan home for the week (a girl could get used to this!)- he's such an awesome husband! Today the project was the out-of-control-willow-tree in the backyard. Seriously, this tree is affectionately known as the "weed tree" because of it's ability to grow despite unintentional efforts to destroy it. Poor little tree had a rough start in life but has managed to overtake the backyard and is currently working on taking over the roof of the house. Trimming time!
Ryan has been working on it most of the afternoon out in the hot sun with his chainsaw, ladder and clippers....what a beautiful mess!
We surely aren't that exciting if tree trimming is the hot topic of the day....however, our lives have certainly become more interesting since Ayla & Zoey's arrival and we wouldn't have it any other way!
Now who's gonna clean up this mess?

June 21, 2009

Meridian Dairy Days Parade

Ryan and I went on 'hot date' Friday night and left Ayla with the babysitter for a few hours (she has an awesome and very expensive sitter) to watch the Dairy Days Parade in Meridian. It was great entertainment and packed! Although it was a bit rainy and cold that didn't stop the celebration and the live band from rocking the streets....this may be one of the last times we'll be able to get out together for a bit!

June 17, 2009

Where's the Time?

Where is time going? Excuse my thinking-out-loud for a moment; I feel like we've been living in a time-warp for the past 4.5 months...are we seriously halfway through June already? Wow! Ayla is closer to coming home, our house is almost ready and I'm really not sure if WE are mentally ready...oh my! I think about bringing little girl home and it scares/excites me, literally. The roller-coaster ride doesn't end when she's home, she won't automatically become "better" once she's sleeping in her own bed nor will she automatically become a "normal" baby (if there is such a thing, really- what's normal anyway?).

Logically, I know everything will work out the way it's suppose to but the practical side of my personality comes to light and has me researching all kinds of stuff- the 'what if' and 'how to' and the 'be prepared'..... kind of like planning for the worst-case scenario and praying for the best. I've been speaking with other mothers of micro-preemie babies and it's dang scary! Some have great attitudes and others......not so much. But I've heard a common theme from ALL of them: "be prepared and go with the flow- it'll be hard and challenging and you'll have terrible days and awesome days." Huh- sounds a lot like life in general!

Occasionally, parent's of preemie babies will come up and offer advice and encouragement (which is appreciated) but the reality is: Ayla was not a preemie, she was a micro-preemie and there is a big difference between the two. Ayla's long-term & short-term health isn't known- it'll be a 'learn-as-we-go' journey with her. A journey which to be honest, is terrifying and exciting. Scary because there are many unknowns and exciting because she is a miracle! Talk about being humbled....

Anyway, just sharing some inner thoughts- I have been encouraged by hospital counselors to "open-up" and "express" more...hmmm.....sure they want me to go there? haa haa That's a whole 'nother dimension! But I suppose that's what blogs are for- right?

June 12, 2009


Ayla had surgery for a gastric tube placement and fundoplicaton (acid reflux) and is recovering. She is such a brave girl- what a trooper! She is pretty swollen and miserable.....poor munkin!

June 9, 2009

Video- Crazy Eyes

Ayla is such funny girl! She had us giggling over her "Crazy Eye" routine which Ryan captured on camera. Following her bath (check out her 'rolls' in below picture) she opened her eyes- wide - and began peeking around....little eyes darting back and forth. She stayed awake for about 10 minutes before finally drifting to sleep......
Munkin's surgery for the gastric feeding tube and nissin fundoplication is scheduled for Wednesday morning- hopefully this will be the last of her surgeries! Our goal is to have her home by the 4th of July- what a sweet day that will be!

Enjoying my bath- look at those gorgeous tummy rolls!
Bright-eyed after bath time!

June 4, 2009

Love my Bath Time! Video

Ayla loves, LOVES her baths....especially when we cover her up with a towel and splash her little legs inside the tub! She'll usually sleep much better and happier once she receives a warm, comfy bath and snuggled afterwards. Look at that chub! and the rolls! and the cuteness of it all! She has a perfect 'heart' birthmark above her belly-button.
Ayla is going in for surgery next week to insert a g-tube (stomach tube) and a nissin-fundul procedure (anti-reflux). Hopefully she will not be on the g-tube for longer than 6 months and advance on her oral eating skills. If she recovers as quickly as she normally does from surgeries then we should be home around the 4th of July!

Splish, Splash...I was takin' a bath....

Awake and alert after bath- interacting with her dad

June 3, 2009

Grooved Palete

Ayla was an unhappy Munkin this eve so I posted her "mad/sad" face...note the deep groove in her upper palate caused by the intubation tubes. As she developes and grows it will eventually become less noticeable but will always remain.

The Swallow Study revealed that Ayla is aspirating when she swallows and refluxes; the valve to her lungs is not closing when she attempts to suck from a bottle. We have a meeting scheduled with the doctors to discuss tube feeding options- likely she will have a g-tube (stomach tube) surgically installed (oh yay- another surgery!) note the sarcasm....

The video below is of Miss Ayla alert and looking around- she is fun to watch when she's awake and interactive!

One unhappy little girl!

June 1, 2009

Hiccups Video

Ayla had the hiccups and a new pink bow in her hair-she was 'wide awake' so recorded her being that she is officially a 'term' baby she is becoming more alert and aware. Today she is 40 weeks and 4 days old- close to 41 weeks! It's been a looong stretch inside the NICU- 110 days but we are so very grateful that our sweet girl is as healthy and strong as she is! What a miracle!

Awake Videos

Sharing a few videos of Ayla's "Awake Time" when she's alert and active...isn't she the cutest thing?? Not that we are partial! She is growing everyday and graduated into 'official' preemie clothing- we couldn't be more excited!

The doctor is going to order a swallow study for munkin within the next 1-2 days that may help determine why she isn't feeding orally. She can suck but has a difficult time swallowing- almost as if she cannot swallow. Ayla needs learn to eat by bottle before going home or at least take some feeds by bottle- we want to avoid sending her home with a stomach tube (which would require additional surgery).