This is for all you have been requesting to see my fat belly...okay, you asked for it! We are 16 weeks now and the babies are good. Picky little eaters but as long as they grow big and healthy!
Our next ultrasound is Decmeber 23rd and then again in Janaury. Hopefully the peanut-heads will be big enough that we can see what they are!!
Heidi you look amazing!
WOO-HOO!!! You look FABULOUS! I can't wait for my bump to appear!
Love ya!
HOOOOORAY for you! You look FABULOUS! I just got your Christmas card and giggled when I read your news! What fun! Thank you for keeping in touch. We sure miss you guys! I'm glad I can keep informed through your blog now. Sorry I am not on top of things enough to blog too! I did mail your Christmas card with our family photo a few days ago, so you should be getting it soon. CONGRATS! CONGRATS! Love you tons,
-Cristy Crawford
Wow that is great that you are having twins! Nikki is due on May 4, so she is a few weeks ahead of you. Do you know what you are having yet? Nikki is have a girl.
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